
来源: 上海交大安泰MBA  作者:原作者  责任编辑:刘佳睿

近日,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院接到了来自欧洲质量改进体系(European Quality Improvement System,EQUIS)总部的贺电,宣布安泰顺利通过第五次EQUIS再认证评估,并再次荣获五年最高期认证。这不仅标志着安泰的综合实力、国际化办学水平以及与业界的紧密联系再次得到国际权威机构的高度认可,更充分体现了学院近年来在全球商学教育领域所做出的杰出贡献和取得的优异成绩。

Recently, Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), received official congratulations from EQUIS and was awarded the fifth successful re-accreditation with a maximum five-year term. This achievement reaffirms Antai's comprehensive strengths in areas such as internationalization and industry engagement while recognizing its significant progress in global business education.

2024年7月16日至18日,由4位国际认证专家组成的EQUIS评估专家组对安泰进行了为期3天的实地考察与评估。上海交通大学校长、中国科学院院士丁奎岭,文科建设处处长吴文锋,安泰经济与管理学院院长陈方若、党委书记姜文宁,以及学校研究生院、教务处、国际合作与交流处等部门领导和学院领导班子成员出席了各项认证活动。此次评估专家组成员包括墨西哥自治技术学院(ITAM)商学院院长Francisco Pérez-González教授、早稻田大学商学院院长Hitoshi Takehara教授、萨格勒布大学经济与商业学院院长Sanja Sever Mališ教授,以及新加坡ASM公司人才与领导力总监Ka (Betty) Lau博士。

From July 16 to 18, 2024, an EQUIS Peer Review Team of four experts conducted a three-day on-site assessment. Shanghai Jiao Tong University President Kuiling DING, Director of Liberal Arts Development Wenfeng WU, Antai College of Economics and Management Dean Fangruo CHEN, Party Secretary Wenning JIANG, as well as leaders from the Graduate School, Academic Affairs Office, and Office of International Affairs, among others, participated in various accreditation activities. The peer-review team included Dean Francisco Pérez-González from ITAM Business School (Mexico), Dean Hitoshi Takehara from Waseda Business School (Japan), Dean Sanja Sever Mališ from the University of Zagreb (Croatia), and an industry expert Ka (Betty) Lau from Singapore ASM.




University and college leaders, faculty, students, alumni, and corporate representatives participated in about 22 exchange sessions with the experts. The evaluation covered ten key EQUIS standards: strategic planning, programs, faculty, research, corporate connections, etc.

In their feedback, the experts praised Antai's progress in industry research, faculty development, internationalization, and sustainability. They highlighted the college's strong alumni networks and commended the collaborative efforts across departments.

Dean Chen commented on the accreditation, “The EQUIS re-accreditation process has been an enriching and insightful experience for us. The professionalism and dedication of the Peer Review Team are truly admirable. We look forward to leveraging your insights to strengthen further Antai's position as a leading business school firmly rooted in China with a growing global impact.”



EQUIS is a globally recognized, rigorous accreditation for business schools. The five-year accreditation, its highest level, indicates full compliance with EQUIS standards and strong international competitiveness. Antai has consistently achieved this top accreditation since 2008.




Since 2005, Antai has initiated its accreditation process, including AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. These accreditations have continuously improved Antai's mission, strategies, teaching, research, and management practices.

This EQUIS re-accreditation marks a significant milestone in Antai's internationalization. It reflects the college's global efforts and provides momentum towards its goal of becoming a world-class business school. Antai will leverage this achievement to advance its international standing further and contribute to business education development in China and globally.



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