研究成果 | 2021上半年:香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院与深高金27篇论文发表或期刊收录

来源: 香港中文大学深圳金融EMBA项目  作者:原作者  责任编辑:王威林





香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院、深圳高等金融研究院学术院长 熊伟

Learning about the Neighborhood

Zhenyu Gao, Michael Sockin, and Wei Xiong

Review of Financial Studies

The Whack-A-Mole Game: Tobin Taxes and Trading Frenzy

Jinghan Cai, Jibao He, Wenxi Jiang, and Wei Xiong

Review of Financial Studies

Banking Crises without Panics

Matthew Baron, Emil Verner, and Wei Xiong

The Quarterly Journal of Economics

Taming the Bias Zoo

Hongqi Liu, Cameron Peng, Wei A. Xiong, and Wei Xiong

Journal of Financial Economics

Issuance Overpricing of China's Corporate Debt Securities

Yi Ding, Wei Xiong, Jinfan Zhang

Journal of Financial Economics

校长讲座教授 贾建民

Exploring Embeddedness, Centrality, and Social Influence on Backer Behavior: The Role of Backer Networks in Crowdfunding

Yuho Chung, Yiwei Li

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

校长讲座教授 张博辉

Stock Market Liberalization and Innovation

Bohui Zhang with Fariborz Moshirian, Xuan Tian, and Wenrui Zhang

Journal of Financial Economics

Insider Sales under the Threat of Short Sellers: New Hypothesis and New Tests

Wang, Kemin and Wang, Rencheng and Wei, Kuo-Chiang (John) and Zhang, Bohui and Zhou, Yi

The Accounting Review

Trust, Incomplete Contracting, and Corporate Innovation

Xie, Fei and Zhang, Bohui and Zhang, Wenrui

Management Science

Does the media spotlight burn or spur innovation?

Bohui Zhang, Rui Shen and Lili Dai

Review of Accounting Studies

校长讲座教授 赵建良

New induced dynamic networks for market signaling: Understanding the Impact of News on Firm Equity Value

Kun Chen, Xin Li, Peng Luo, J. Leon Zhao

Information Systems Research

副教授 佟世璐

Channel Structures of Online Retail Platforms

Shilu Tong, Albert Ha, Yunjie Wang

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

副教授 申睿

Does the media spotlight burn or spur innovation?

Bohui Zhang, Rui Shen and Lili Dai

Review of Accounting Studies

副教授 张劲帆

Issuance Overpricing of China's Corporate Debt Securities

Yi Ding, Wei Xiong, Jinfan Zhang

Journal of Financial Economics

助理教授 包卓兰

Incorporating the Time Order Effect of Feedbacks in Online Auction Markets through a Bayesian Updating Model

Michael Chau, Wenwen Li, Boye Yang, Alice J. Lee, Zhuolan Bao

MIS Quarterly

助理教授 陈睿

Adoption of Electric Vehicles in Car Sharing Market

Hossein Abouee-Mehrizi, Opher Baron, Oded Berman, David Chen

Production and Operations Management

助理教授 丁一

Issuance Overpricing of China's Corporate Debt Securities

Yi Ding, Wei Xiong, Jinfan Zhang

Journal of Financial Economics

助理教授 窦立宇

Generalized Local-to-Unity Models

Liyu Dou, Ulrich K. Müller


助理教授 刘洪七

Taming the Bias Zoo

Hongqi Liu, Cameron Peng, Wei A. Xiong, and Wei Xiong

Journal of Financial Economics

助理教授 任启天

Consumer Attention to Favorable and Unfavorable Product Information, and Firm Information Design

Kinshuk Jerath, Qitian Ren

Journal of Marketing Research

助理教授 沈偲艺

Flattening the Illiquidity Curve: Retail Trading During the COVID-19 Lockdown

Gideon Ozik; Ronnie Sadka; Siyi Shen

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis



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